Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday

I am NOT extremely excited that Baby Stellan is doing so well that MckMama is back at her awesome carnival~
Not Me Monday!

Please know, I always have my act together…

Well, the other day, I was driving to work and I did NOT notice that my feet felt a bit strange. I was NOT shocked when I looked down and did NOT find that somehow I had slipped on my chunky, casual sandals accidentally, instead of my nice dress shoes!
There was no way that I could miss the important consultation. So, I absolutely did NOT go and see a patient in my ugly get-up! I was NOT mortified!!!


The other night, when Firehubby was at the station, I did NOT stay up extremely late.

I just would NOT do that. No, my family deserves a well-rested me, that way I am always functioning at my highest. Not a grouchy…(I shall go no farther)

I did NOT make so much noise, acting like it was the middle of the day, that I woke my kids.

A half an hour later, they were not heard giggling in Scout’s room. When I opened the door, I did NOT find two little kids watching a movie on the portable DVD player.

It was NOT two in the morning!

I really looked nothing like this the next day. Not even for a minute.

Grouchy...tired...NOT ME!

I am so happy now though, because I am off to check-out all of the things that you DIDN'T do at NOT ME MONDAY!


Meg said...

That's funny that you wore your sandal instead of dress shoes. I also find it really funny that you were so loud you woke up the kids and then found them watching a movie. Take that loud mama. :) I hope you had a good weekend.

April said...

Yes, that IS great news about Stellan...God is good! Love the story about your shoes! I can see myself doing the exact same thing! I admit it...when I don't get a full night's sleep, I'm not a happy camper and I look like death warmed over! LOL!

Mrs. M said...

Nice post - pretty funny that your kids were watching tv at 2 in the morning! Oops, I mean NOT watching! :-)

Orah said...

It is not me who was so upset that I am only number 306 on todays post, cuz Monday is Doctor day and I was not home to link...

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

You are cracking me up. I had a grouchy day last week too. I'm up, it's not much, you can't give it away, you are the only one that knows the story. I have to turn my computer off for a few hours, I really need to work in my house...

Blessedw5mom said...

Nope no one grouchy or tire after hubby works late, not over here either ;-)

Blessings from Heather at

Elyse said...

I agree with are cracking me up! watching movies at 2am...WoW! I so have not done that either :) Hope today is not as tiring :) Happy Monday!

Unknown said...

Well you know at least they know how NOT to entertain themselves in the middle of the night! HA!

Beth E. said...

Grouchy???? I've NEVER been grouchy! LOL

I wish I could've seen those shoes! :o)

Christie said...

great list! i am never grouchy either!! just ask my son.

Anonymous said...

I am not glad that we have NMM again at McMama's site.... Great not me's

E @ Scottsville said...

Oh, I'm the same way. I'm a total night-owl and I love staying up late if I don't have to get up early the next day. =0)

Happy Monday, Girly!

Beth in NC said...

Ha, those are cute Julie! Come over and find my NMM post too. Blessings!

Rachel said...

Oh my gosh! Are your kids taking after you with the night owl thing? So... did you just join them for the rest of the movie? Or did you tell them it would just have to be "TO BE CONTINUED" ?? *wink wink*

Too funny about the shoes!

Happy Monday!

renee said...

at least your shoes matched...i have definitely not worn a chocolate brown and a navy flip flop all the way to the mailboxes at the leasing center of my apartment complex...nope not me!

He & Me + 3 said...

lOve all the pictures that you included..that shoe one is classic.
You are too funny. totally sounds like my kids up so late watching movies.

Anne said...

I really love reading other people's not me Monday posts. And it's cool to find another wife, mom, nurse, part-time worker, full time mom, believer. =) Although, you're still in SoCal and darling hubby moved us to Minnesota.

renee said...

cool! thanks!