Monday, March 9, 2009


Yesterday I was feeling the need to get out of the house and go for a Sunday drive.

This is where the road took us...

Laguna Beach

What a lovely day!

The kids loved the tide pools,

playing in the sand,

and getting their feet wet!

It was a perfect day with my family...

I am savoring the memories


Mrs. M said...

Looks like such a wonderful day! Great pics!!

April said...

Isn't that where "The Hills" takes place? Brittany loves that show! What I'd give for a day at the beach right now! Love your pictures!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I wish I was your neighbor. What a beautiful place for a drive!

Miranda said...

Your pictures are beautiful!! I wanna go next time, too bad I live no where near anything like that. Thank you for sharing your pictures! Looks like you all had a nice day.

Island Girl said...

I took a Sunday drive too...but mine didn't end anywhere near that beautiful!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

What a beautiful day. I look at your two and think awe that my two will be like that one day.. Glad you had a nice time.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had no idea how beautiful it was there. I would so love to see that!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful!! What a wonderful day you spent and looks like it was a beautiful day too!!

Orah said...

Ooooh, gorgeous.
Yesterday, I went to a lovely waterfall. Actually I was running errands and WATER was in fact FALLING, but it was not so lovely. Well, that is Chicago.

Tricia Nugen said...

What a wonderful world we live in!

Beth E. said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love the beach, but I've only been to beaches on the east coast. Laguna Beach looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

What fun. Oh how I wish it was that warm here.

Melissa Stover said...

now that's a beautiful sunday drive!

Meg said...

I love Sundays like that. The first picture is stunning. I love seeing people enjoy and savor their families.

Jessica D. said...

great prospective on the photo with the date in the sand. I can feel summer coming! Thanks for sharing!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

So, your lovely day took you to the BEACH??? That is just wrong...My lovely day would take me to a parking lot with about 25 feet of snow piled up...why do I live in the midwest? Looks like some awesome times! And I love the pics!

Casey said...

So jealous! Going the the river and walking through the mud just doesn't have the same appeal...I can't imagine why!

Lori said...

Great pictures! I miss the beach, haven't been in a while.

mama's smitten said...

What an awesome day! Great day! Great Place! Great Memories!

Jen said...

those are some awesome photos!

Leah said...

I live on the East Coast, but my husband is from the West Coast. Beautiful pictures. We'll be visiting LA this summer.

Leslie said...

That is just gorgeous.

... said...

These are lovely!