I am joining the AWESOME MckMama today for another NOT ME MONDAY. My life is so boring lately...NOT!
As many of you know, my new best friend Ana stopped by last week…
Yep, Nasty ol’ Ana-phylaxis!
This sweet nurse (yeah, I’m talking about me!) became a very problematic and pathetic patient.
Let’s just establish right here that I am NOT allergic to fragrances…perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, cleaners, just about anything that sprays out of a can! Lame…who could be so lame?!
Plus, would you want anyone so lame to be your nurse? I thought NOT!
Nurses are known to be perfect patients. So with that in mind, I am really a good patient…NOT!
Last Wednesday, after being team-leader for the day I did NOT run into a flock of freshly washed, perfectly fragrant nurses coming out of the report room. They moseyed on by, heading for duty on the night shift. My throat did NOT immediately hint to me that a terrible night about to unfold.
As I headed to my car, my throat did NOT start closing up. I did NOT run into a nurse in the parking lot who would have made Florence Nightingale roll over in her grave!
Firehubby does NOT do an awesome job of describing that JERK…here!
I did NOT take 8 hours to respond to treatment and get admitted to the Medical Intensive Care Unit.
After being stable for about 12 hours, the nurse giving my male, comatose roommate a bath did NOT spray deodorant in my room!!!!
Nurses would NEVER be so careless. A person is always safe in the hospital…naughty me, I won’t go any further down this path!
I did NOT get another visit from Ana, yep Ana-phylaxis! Did I mention I hate her?~!
This Right Guard event did NOT bring on 4 hours more misery, this time with the added bonus of severe pain!
I did NOT start to live in fear of waking up to this:
Ok, I was NOT such a bad patient.
I did NOT take my own IV out. (It needed to come out!)
I did not show various people wielding needles where I wanted them jabbed into my body.
I did not get drugged up and exhausted and act grouchy to my wonderful husband and try to get him to leave so I did not have to watch him be so concerned for me…
I did NOT hate being a patient.
But for now, I am VERY thankful to be home with my family.
And just so you know… this is definitely NOT a picture of me that I made Firehubby take for my blog. Who would ever think about taking a photo just for NOT ME Monday when they are in ICU?
Who looks like the bitter patient? Not me!
Thank you MckMama for hosting this blog carnival and giving me a chance to be NOT so sweet about my hospitalization. Now, everyone click here and check out all a ton of awesome NOT Me MONDAYS.
I can so relate - love following your adventures now that (dear, sweet) Elaine has "introduced" us. We nurses do tend to eat our young, don't we? Pray you're feeling better every day!
I can't believe they sprayed deoderant in your room!!!!!!! That just floors me! What an experience you had!!
I can't believe a nurse sprayed deodorant in your room! Did she get into trouble?
I didn't know you were allergic to all of those things, Julie! Mind if I say, "Bless your heart?" Sorry, but I just couldn't resist! I feel so bad for you, but am so relieved to know that you're doing better! Like the others wrote...I can't believe that nurse sprayed deordorant in your room? What was she thinking? Nothing, apparently!
I would've made my hubby take that picture of me, too!!! I would, I would!!!
I'm very glad you're home safely!!!
CRAZY!! I'd be scared to just go out in public!!! how do you do it?
Glad all is well....found your site from Mighty M!
Look at how "sweet and compliant" you look...Nooo, not you, you could never be a bad patient..lolol !! Great post, take it easy and have a terrific day!!
I am cracking up. I can not even count the number of times I made My Mister leave that summer when I was in the hospital. This is such a fun post, I am glad you get see some humor in the whole situation. Call me when you feel up to it...
Haha - love the pic with the declaration of "MURDER". LOL - and BTW, for someone who was hit again and again by their worst fragrant enemies - you look pretty good in the O2 mask. But, better to see you above the patient, rather than AS the patient. And that nurse in the parking lot, did she miss her classes on patient advocacy and actually trying to keep patients alive???
Hey, the scorpion counter's only up to SIX so far. Last year it hit 19!
ha ha ha
Don't be a chicken. Come for a visit!
Thank you, Julie. I'm glad I could make you laugh. You definitely need a good laugh after all you've been through.
We must be reading each other's blog at the same time. Great minds think alike, right?
So, is the whole reality blogging thing is a go? I hope so! This way, I can live vicariously through you guys. LOL
Hope Miss ANA stays away this week...it's not not fun @ all :( Hope you have a much better week & your hubby DID hit the ball outta the park about the jerk who ignored you :)
I have been a patient before and I will agree it is one of the hardest things that I nurse has to do.
You should get a large tattoo that says perfume will kill me, don't wear it.
You poor thing. At least your hair looked good in the hospital.
So glad you are feeling better! You could also add this to the True Story Tuesday, ha!
Very funny post! Glad you're on the mend.
I'm just rehashing the same line here, but I can't believe she sprayed deoderant in your room!!!!!
Oh, Sweetie, we really do suck as patients. I'm so sorry!
But I love that you took pictures for your blog. I would so do that! LOL
What a terrible ride. OMGosh...I am so glad you are ok now. There needs to be a huge memo in your hospital about fragrances.
Aww - you poor kiddo in that hospital bed! I am so sorry for your experience - but so very glad you were close enough to get immediately treated (well, except for that parking lot encounter).
Any my sister (the nurse) is a terrible patient too! :)
In the words of Not Me Monday....
"He should so NOT be fired!!!!!"
So happy you are home! xoxo
Haven't been blogging much but checkin in on you! You are such a good sport! Hope your feelin better!I can't believe your story! What now? How do you leave your house?
I am glad to hear you are home safe and sound. I stand by my previous statement that hospitals are a dangerous dangerous place!
I'm glad you made it out alive. :)
They sprayed what in where?!?! I can't believe that!!!
I'm glad you are ok now! What a story!!!
Oh my gosh! I haven't laughed this hard at a post in a while. You know you're a REAL blogger when you stop everything in the middle of a major crisis to grab your camera to take pics for your blog. I'm so proud of you.
Glad you're better. : )
Grrr, grr, and GRRRRR again!
a) the nurse who refused to help you should be stripped of his credentials. ASAP. That's grrr #!
b) the nurses who showed up to work all freshly perfumed? Should be required to strip and shower before returning to work.. in a PAPER GOWN! Seriously... I would have to think that you aren't the ONLY person in the entire hospital who has an allergy to scents. That's grrrr#2
c) the bone-headed nurse who sprayed deoderant in your room? Dear Lord, I just cannot even write what's going through my head right now, but let's just say that she'd never be able to spray ANYTHING again. grrrr#3... and those nurses are OUT!
And yet; there's you. And my Cub Scout co-den leader Janet. And a multitude of other nurses I know who go above and beyond to ensure the safety and well-being of their patients. So how, in holy heck, did you end up with THAT motley crew all together in one place in a 24-hour timeframe? Oh, yeah... God KNEW you needed a good "Not Me" post.. right? NOT!!!!
So glad you're better.. and making an even bigger effort to buy "unscented" whenever I can!
Oh my, Talk about a series of unfortunate events. How TERRIBLE!!! Glad you are home where you can BE SAFE & GET BETTER =)
My goodness! I have to say that fragrances are a personal pet peeve of mine and I'm not even allergic as you are. They drilled it in us at nursing school a long time ago to not wear any perfumes etc. and I just got into such a habit that I don't wear any perfume anymore. I also buy all fragrance free laundry det. etc.
When I was pregnant every scent I came in contact with made me sick. Ugh.
My MIL wears the most obnoxious perfume and I just can't bring myself to tell her how horrible it smells to me b/c she loves it so much:)
Bless your heart! I can't imagine trying to avoid all the scents and things like that out there!
You as a patient cracked me up!
OMG, I'm so glad to hear that you are okay. What a crazy ordeal. I had heard of people being allergic to fragrances, but I never knew to that extent. Wow!
Aw, I'm glad you're feeling better. I just love the funny pics you add.
A lot of people don't realize how sensitive others can be to sprays like that. I'm so glad you're okay...but that last picture, goodness!! Although I do have to say, you look pretty good for someone in the MICU!!!
Eh...Wedding's are a wanna be side-job for me...I'm not very good at marketing myself for profit...
I so totally know where you're coming from with the allergic reaction thing. My epi pen is my BEST FRIEND. I've had severe allergic reactions to TONS OF STUFF, practically my entire life. Not too long ago I discovered an allergy to cranberry glycerin soap and corn nuts (2 separate ER visits in a month) and I was terrified when my throat started closing! I'm also allergic to perfumed odors like air freshener, aerosol anything!!!, and flying stinging insects. You should also see me when someone decides to mow the lawn and I'm sitting outside! It's horrible. My nebulizer, inhalers, epi-pen, and pednisolone are close companions to me! Hope you are feeling better friend, and don't have to go through this again.
I thought you might be amused that you featured in my Not Me! Monday post this week. Your treatment by a fellow nurse really got under my skin.
Hope you are feeling much better.
I just posted my last Disney post...
Hope it will bring you a smile. I also have a new blog design.....
Julie, I'm just glad you're okay.
Oh my goodness I didn't know you were sick, I have been slacking on my blog and reading blogs laterly! Hope you are doing better! I am glad you like your flip flops and I am loving mine!
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