Friday, June 5, 2009

With a Grateful Heart…I’m Home

The words “Thank you!” can hardly express the gratitude for all of your support and prayers over the past few days.

I am so glad to be home with my family and look forward to a good night’s rest!

Physically, I am still a bit tight in my chest. This is not something that I am used to, as I usually feel better within a few hours of emergency treatment. But, this was a doozie!

The throat swelling and clamping down of my lungs went on and on. Instead of reversing with an hour or two of being slammed with Epinepherine, Benadryl, Albuterol, Zantac, and Steroids, it took 8 hours to get things under control. That is why I ended up in the intensive care unit. I am pretty good at being calm through these storms, but the words “we may need to intubate you”(throat tube and breathing machine) were darn scary! Thankfully, that did not happen!

I look forward to coming back online tomorrow and catching up on your blogs and writing a bit more of exactly what is happening with this crazy body of mine.

Thank you especially to Firehubby and Elaine! I am truly blessed!

For now, good night my friends. I thank God for each one of you!


Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

Sweet dreams Julie~so glad you're home!

Morgan said...

So scary Julie. I'm glad you're back home now. I've been praying for you!

BluRayn said...

I'm so glad you're home, my friend!! How very scary and quite the ordeal! What a way to kick off the summer, but seriously, I could think of a lot more fun things!! Oh I know, you did this big doozy so you're DONE with this, at least for the rest of the year. Right? Or...summer? Right? Sounds good to me, I'll just go with "I'm totally on board with that idea too!!" from you ;)

Seriously girl, glad you're home. Hope you're fully back on your feet soon. Give me a call or email if you need anything, I'm only a few minutes away!

Casey said...

So glad you're home and feeling better!

Stephanie said...

I'm glad you home and resting comfortably in your bed as much as can be expected. You inspire me to be a nurse and I thank you for being a humble, beautiful women.

God Bless and Hope to hear from you soon..



Tina said...


I am so glad to hear that you are home. Take care of!

Hugs to you,


Rachel said...

Whew! It makes my heart happy to know you are home and better! How scary - so very glad Elaine and Brian were able to update when they could... you had lots of prayers coming your way!

Mr. Daddy said...

Glad you are better. Just read Firehubby's post, and I have to agree with him...

somethings shouldn't be let go. If you have a name an old fashion blanket party would be in order.. I would think.

Melissa Stover said...

oh julie! i am so glad you are back home and mending. what a scare!

Aspiemom said...

Aaaah! I just wrote you a long comment and it dropped it!

I missed this whole saga and getting to pray for you while you were inpatient. I was in a car accident last Mon. and have been too bummed out to be online, so missed what happened.

What was your reaction to this time? I just read your hubby's account of the jerk who wouldn't help you.

Jen said...

I am SO glad that you are alright and now home. I was really worried and thinking about you.

McBee said...

Oh my goodness! I just read all this-how scary!!! I'm glad to hear you're home, being intubated would've been awful!
Take care!

Anne said...

I'm so glad they didn't have to intubate you and that you're home and recovering. Praying you had a good night's sleep!

Jessica D. said...

LIfe is never to be taken for granted!! I learned this 2 ThanksGivings ago when my husband spent 1 week in ICU. He was placed on the Vent.

I'm glad your okay:-)

Prisca: said...

So glad you are doing better! (((HUGS))) I bet that was super-scary!

Mrs. M said...

I was so worried! Glad that you are finally home!!

April said...

So happy and thankful that you're finally home, Julie! You've been on my mind and in my heart...take it easy, my friend! Big hugs!

E @ Scottsville said...

Sooooooooooooo good to have you back!

Elyse said...

Take some rest and relaxation this weekend! Feel better soon! Ana is never something anyone wants or desires and I know from experiance that it is not fun!

Mags said...

Glad to hear you are home now...I hope you get much rest this weekend!

McMommy said...

So happy you are home!!!! xoxo

mama's smitten said...

So glad you home and doing better!

He & Me + 3 said...

I am so glad that you are home. What a scare. Get some rest.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are on the mend. Take care of you & let Firehubby & the kids take care of all your momma duties.