Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ok, Stacey and Clinton, let me start by telling you that I did NOT use a

to hold up an unraveling hem on my dress pants for the past month. No way, that would be kinda, sorta tacky!

Then, when the hem went out all the way, there is absolutely no way I wore the pants again… TWICE! Are you kidding, I am so much more classy than that!

All right before I go on, you have to know that it absolutely is NOT sunny here in Southern California most of the time, even in winter! I am totally used to snow, sleet, ice storms. Oh yeah, totally used to it...

So, when I saw one piece of hail fall out of the sky and hit my hood as I was driving, I absolutely did NOT become so amazed and distracted that I almost crashed my car. I did NOT pull out in front of a car a bit too close and the other driver did NOT blare his horn at me. No way. And he did NOT angrily make a special waving hand at me. Oh, I think it was a finger.

(oops, not the real man, not the right finger)

No, that whole tale would be ridiculous if it really happened. And if I actually did do the above, I would NOT admit to it. To tell of such a moron thing to many of you readers who are having a nightmare winter would just be embarrassing.

Okay, just one last thing…

I did NOT have a major chocolate craving last week when my husband was gone to work. If I did, I would NOT have remembered that I had bought him green M& M's for Valentine’s day!

Oh, no, don’t even think that way… I did NOT eat them!

There is no way that I opened his gift and satisfied that chocolate craving. Not Me!

By the way, when I went to the gym I did NOT hope that:

+ =

I am really looking forward to hearing what you did NOT do this week at McMama's Blog on Not Me Monday!


Mrs. M said...

Nice - eating your husbands candy. I am glad you did not get into an accident when you did not cause a commotion looking at a piece of hail! said...

Well, I did buy him a new bag (oops, supposed to say did NOT "), he will be surprised to hear he did NOT almost own a different bag! ")

brian said...

I had no idea...

I hardly even know you...


your fire hubby

Jessica said...

I would never use unconventional devices to hem/hold up my clothes, either!

How sweet that your husband reads and comments on your blog! :)

Orah said...

I don't keep doublesided tape with me at all times because i have not fixed a hem properly in 7 years...

E @ Scottsville said...

Hey, glad you stopped by my blog! You ate HIS gift? Oh how funny!

Hope you have a fabulous President's Day!

Happy Monday! said...

Not me, eat my fire hubby's gift. Come on. Not me!

Elyse said...

Eating your hubby's gift...hilarious!
Have a great Monday :)

Anonymous said...

I am laughing at the first one and the finger one too funny Great NM'S

Helene said...

This was post was so funny!! I've so done that too with the candy! In fact, this year I bought my kids' preschool teacher a box of candy and then decided the night before that she was probably gonna get tons of candy anyway from other kids, so I ate hers!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like some Nots to make you feel normal. Glad I'm not the only one not eating candy.

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Your cracking me up... I saw how far up the list you were...

Anonymous said...

Um....that equation is broken. I've tried it. Dang it.

purejoy said...

i think it's funny that you got green m & ms for valentines day. . .hmmmm. i remember being in middle school and the rumor got out that green m&ms make you .... um nevermind. probably just a rumor.
and kudos for being in the top 10. nice.

April said...

I loved reading your "Not Me Monday" post...those are always such fun! Just to let you know...I had a major chocolate craving recently, too! :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I'm laughing about how you ate his gift! Great list. I'm glad you didn't wreck your car! ;)

Kameron said...

I like the picture addition at the end of your post!! I did not run 4 miles this morning only to contemplate just now how I could get mu hands on some chocolate. Ugh, dang diet!

mama's smitten said...

Too Funny ! So glad you DID NOT do all that stuff!

Jen said...

that is just too funny.

Beth E. said...

I have NOT been raiding my son's bag of VDay candy...NOT ME!

Oh, and I use duct tape to repair my hems! LOL

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Well at least when you had your chocolate fix you worked out to combat it!!! Love the hem fix! That one is really great!

Paige Hinrichs said...

Oh my gosh! You are hysterical! I have not ever eaten someone elses candy gift either. Tacky. : )

He & Me + 3 said...

Your list was great. Too funny about the guy giving you the finger...I mean you were just trying to check out the cool weather. Sheesh. Drivers need to quit being so uptight. LOL

DESJ and Company said...

love it!!!!!
I eat my kids' candy all them time :)

Alicia said...

Great not Me's! I would be amazed by hail too and I do NOT cut people off every now & again and do NOT get the finger that often because I am NOT a great driver:)

Us said...

Hi Larry Us!!! Love that you were so amazed with hail! hee hee Found your blog through my sisters! (While I am Waiting) I will be back! {{hugs}}

{darlene} said...

Oh MY! You had me roaring with this one! Love the last m&m+curves equation. LOVE IT!!!

Khordaddy said...

Not a guy thing to do, but I have a small sewing kit I keep in my car I've kept from boy scouts way back when. White, brown, and black thread with a needle incase some part of my clothing rips. I can't sew worth a flip, but I can patch things up if I need to! Only had to use it 3 times, but I'm glad I have it.
