A Walk To Remember

We Walk For The Steps They Will Never Take
Our Fifth Annual "A Walk to Remember" was a huge success.
Nearly 700 parents, family, and friends came to honor their babies.
There were many tear, hugs, and much love that swept over the medical center grounds.
The service was lovely. Our honorary family spoke of their daughter with Trisomy 18, whom we supported through our palliative care program. They shared of the precious 34 hours they held and loved on her. There was not a dry eye in the auditorium.
It was a privilege to validate the lives of the many babies represented through "the reading of the names".
As the group walked around the medical center moods brightened and many stayed to share memories of their babies and enjoy refreshments.
I was touched to see that so many parents had huge walking teams who came to support them.
A Walk to Remember gives bereaved parents a chance to talk of their babies each year with family and friends.
When a baby dies, many people do not see the loss as significant.
"Well, at least you didn't know her."
"You can have another one."
From the moment a couple finds out they are pregnant, they are parents.
No matter how many weeks or months the baby was in the womb or days the baby lived, they were and always will be the mother and father of a baby who will always be precious to them.
This month, National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness, reach out to those you know have lost their baby.
Always remember...