Is it just me?
Wouldn't it be great to have 10/10/10 as your birthday?
How cool would that be?!
Yesterday at work, I met a little fella and a little gal who will hear how awesome that b-day is many, many, many times during their lives.
I am not usually a numbers geek (math...EEK!)
But I think that certain dates are fun (yep, geek)
I will only get to be numerically delighted two more times... 11/11/11 (my girl's 13th b-day by the way) and 12/12/12.
Oh, there will be other numbers...but none as beautiful as 10/10/10 (sigh)
(okay, it's just me)
That would be pretty cool - my mom's birthday was yesterday (10/10). Only the year does not quite match up. ;)
Yeah, I think that would be a totally cool birthday!
For the little guy I'm guessin not so much....LOL
For the little gal, I guess it is one way to claim that you are a perfect 10...ROFL
just saying...
good to see you back blogging...
I just missed having a 01/01/01 or 01/10/01 baby. She came on 01/04/01 :P
she's a great kid anyway :D
One of my CF friends had a birthday on 10-10-10.
I would have to agree with you there. It would be wonderful to celebrate anything on that day, be it an anniversary or a birthday, makes it definitely unforgettable.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
My good friend had her baby yesterday. She was born at 10:51 am on 10/10/10. Her mom just said that she was VERY glad she wasn't 10lbs.
You are a hoot! My friend's brother postponed his wedding to get married on 10/10/10 :)
It is cool, I agree!
No it's not just you. I love these number things too. I'm one to wait for 11:11 on the clock, and 12:34.
What a great day to have a birthday.
And how cool is your daughters birthday! Now if only you had waited 2 more years, she could have been 11 on 11/11/11. ;o)
We had a baby born at 10:10 on 10-10-10 at a local hospital here.
See the story here...
I totally agree w/you. 10/10/10 is just something special. And how cool for your daughter next year!
Nolan's birthday this year was 8/9/10. He turned 6 though. 7 or 11 would have been better.
my best friend's birthday was yesterday! an epic day!
Too cute. My daughter had a friend that had the birthday 6/6/06 & it was her sixth birthday. It was crazy. That is when I started paying more attention to birthdays.
Wouldn't you know it...my Abby missed it by one day! Her birthday is Oct. 11th! :)
My 12th birthday was 5/5/5
Also known as Cinco de Mayo
(and also the year of the rooster, the same year as when I was born)
At the time, I thought it was just so cool!
I agree that it would be pretty cool to have 10-10-10 as your birthday!!!!!
Very cool to have a birthday on this day!
That is so cool!! I know I would love it. I bet they will too! :)
Hope you're having a great week!!♥
My Mom said she was surprised they didn't have more inductions scheduled at the hospital since some people are so weird about numbers.
Hey girly!! My nephews birthday is 8.9.10 Pretty cool uh! Sorry I've been MIA. Hope to hear from you soon
For the little guy I'm guessin not so much....LOL
For the little gal, I guess it is one way to claim that you are a perfect 10...ROFL
thai porn
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