Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We're in Counseling...


Mrs. M said...

Haha! I know that well!! :)

Anonymous said...

The shame.... I think he's too busy taking pics at various Starbucks and tuning his guitar...

Katie said...

Lol! My husband and I are sitting here laughing at this. Ahhh, the life of a husband/wife blogging duo!

(Seriously--never leaves a comment!!)

Foursons said...

Hahaha- love it.

Carolyn said...

Love it. X.

brian said...

Um, guilty as charged. Maybe some counseling IS in order :)

Unknown said...

Love it! Although ours is the opposite - I freak out when he actually leaves a comment!

Valerie said...

First, that's funny.

Second, glad to know that nurses are human and things gross them out too.

And finally, Luke's official due date...08/09/10! He arrived on July 29th and while I was MOST appreciative of the break I got from being pregnant in 100+ degree summer heat, 08/09/10 is a cool birthday date too!

Last year my girlfriend had her baby boy on 09/09/09! Being the numbers geek I am, I was jealous. Our daughter's birthday is kind of neat...o8/04/04 b/c two 4s make an 8! Ha...I can rationalize anything.

Hope you're doing well...it's been too long since I've dropped by!


Brandi said...

HAHAHA. I'm with Tiff, though. If I find a comment from hubby, I'm like duuuuuuude, stay off my blog!!! ;)

Aspiemom said...

Yep, wouldn't want to find a comment from my husband.

Rachel said...

Umm... you might want to rethink that complaint. Cuz the alternative can be rather dangerous... Aww heck, I just posted pictures of my husband with Dress Barn outfits, I should just be GLAD he hasn't exploded on my blog, hee hee!

Get thee over here Brian and comment more! :)

The Blue Sparrow said...

LOL! Love it! ;)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Really cute & funny!

Kelley said...

toooo funny!

Mr. Daddy said...


the nerve......

~*Michelle*~ said...


Miss you, my friend.....hope all is well in your world.


Helene said...

I totally get it!!!! Tim read my blog, like maybe once...and he said he was rather impressed. Has he read it since? Nope.

Anita said...

We love those comments, don't we!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is too funny. I always ask my hubs to leave a comment. No such luck.

April said...

Too funny, Julie! Thankfully, Chris isn't a blogger, or we'd probably be in counseling, too! :)

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Then Hank and I REALLY need to go. He doesn't even read my blog...