I am OVER sagging (oh, like I ever enjoyed it?!)
My boy is trying to get into the sagging action.
"This belt just doesn't keep my pants up."
Well, let's be on our way to Kohls Mr. Skinny Bottom!
Did you see this news story out of Memphis?
I just love this school principal!
It will be worth the click (and even the commercial)
What a great idea - love it!
Hope you are having a great fall. Miss you!! :)
That's new to me - thanks for showing it!
I'd be willing to send a couple bucks to help them buy a few more of those plastic tighteners. LOL
HA! I think I have some of those in my junk drawer... hmmmmm
Thanks for sharing.
That is too funny! Great solution :)
Is it bad that my poor 4 year old has saggy pants sometimes because they just don't make 'em skinny enough for his little waist? hee hee
That's a riot! We're always saying how they think they look "cool" with their underwear showing. How can that be?
Love the Urkel idea!
Ha! Thanks for sharing, I loved it. And I really loved hearing that one boy say he wanted to look "like a proper young man." Awesome.
Did I do thaaaaaat????
I saw that on the news today...love the idea! That principal gets two thumbs up from me!
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