Friday, April 3, 2009

You know, that TV show...

I was on "A Baby Story."

Well, actually I was not the pregnant one, just the nurse.

The gal was very nice. Had quite a few kids, including a teen.

My biggest anxiety was starting the IV on camera. So, I snuck in the room without the crew noticing (So I thought). I was just picking up the IV catheter when the crew flung open the doors, camera on, and videotaped me just as I was inserting the needle. Thank God I got it in! Talk about performance anxiety!

The patient was perfectly made up. Just lovely.
She got an epidural before she got into severe pain. Never winced or broke a sweat.

Her family left the hospital to have lunch in the middle of her labor. Sure enough, she was ready to deliver and they were nowhere to be found. Thankfully, we were able to wait to deliver her baby. After all, she had a great epidural.

The most memorable part for me was when her teenage son stood behind the doctor, at the foot of the bed, videotaping her undraped and exposed lower body.

Yep, not every teen boy gets that sort of life lesson…T.M.I.

The delivery was picture perfect “)

It was a fun experience.

I walked around town a “star” for a few weeks when it aired.
You had no idea that I was famous! Ha! LOL! ")


April said...

How exciting, Julie...may I have your autograph? :)

Christie said...

Cool!! I don't think I could have done that~ I also have a nursing story today, it is gross but funny :)

Miranda said...

That's awesome!! Sounds very exciting! I don't get how a mother can allow her children to even be in the room, let alone taping BEHIND the doctor!! She was brave. And I'm sure that his age he knew where babies come from and all, but goodness!
LOVE your stories!! :)

Mrs. M said...

How fun - I didn't realize you were so famous! :-) One thing for sure when I watch that show - I'm gonna start bawling when the baby is born. And probably several other times in between! Do tell us which episode! :-)

Tricia Nugen said...

I knew that you'd be on some fabulous show like baby story! So, I guess now we need to get your autography! I love your stories you inspire me to do better at my job! ;) Have a great weekend!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I am so glad you started a blog, I am learning all kinds of things I have never known...

Aspiemom said...

Cool! You were famous for a little while! TV is big stuff!

I can't believe that teenage boy was filming that! Some things (places/parts) should be private!

Christie said...

Neat! I will have to go look at all of our fellow nurses~ Thanks!

He & Me + 3 said...

I totally want to see that episode again. I only watched them when I was pregnant with my first in 1999..when was it?

Mr. Daddy said...

I am so happy for you that you got your 15 minutes Of fame. :o) but every time Rach turns that show on I head for the shop...LOL Now if you were patching up a gored up bull rider or injured outdoorsman???? (welll) I might get sucked in....I do appreciate the finer skills and ability's as long as they are applied to someone else's anatomy....LOL

E @ Scottsville said...

Yikes! I wouldnt' want MY teenage son at that end of the camera. He wouldn't think of it anyway - but I'm not having anymore anyway, so we don't really have to worry about that now do we? =0)

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

That is really cool, the part about you being on A Baby Story. NOT the part about the son seeing all of his mother. Situations like that always creeped me out!
I remember loving The Baby Story the year or two before we had kids~I wanted kids for so long and enjoyed watching that show. After I had my own it didn't hold the same appeal;)

Anonymous said...

How cool is that!! I always love watching a baby story but haven't been able to watch it since I went back to work full time.
Have a great weekend!

Rachel said...

Love that show, though Itty Bit is not too sure about the wailing and screaming patients... and gets upset at crying babies. And Mr. Daddy can't even stay in the room.

Heck, he was lucky he even made it to the birth of his own son cuz that happened WAAAAY too quick! :)

So, when does it air?

And I'm sorry... letting your kid see you naked like that is just NOT RIGHT.

Rebekah said...

It would be so cool to see you on the show. I know its silly but I love the show. I am a labor and delivery nurse and my husband comes in the room when Im watching, He says "dont you get enough of this at work.?" I say no not really because every birth is a total miricle, every story is unique. You are very brave to be in front of the camera knowing it would be on tv.
About the son in the delivery. This is one of my pet peeves. Im not comfortable with women wanting their dads or brothers at the delivery either. Very cute side bar. I am honored to be counted as a nurse you care.

Unknown said...

Good job with that IV, Hollywood. Her family sounds like mine. When I got ready to push, Retro was searching the hospital for a newspaper!

brian said...

Brooke said...

How fun!! I used to watch that show ALL the time, especially before I had my daughter.

Helene said...

That is so cool!! I used to watch that show all the time when I was pregnant, esp when I was on bedrest!!! I probably saw, I know a cool is that!!

Anonymous said...

Now I want to go back and watch that very show and see you in action!

Ewww to the teenager seeing his mom exposed. Not cool.

Casey said...

How neat! I don't envy you though- too much anxiety!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Im gonna Tivo you...what city? There is some really cool stuff you have done in your life!!! Lucky you!!!

Beth E. said...

I'm with blueviolet. I'd love to see you on the show. A star! And we didn't even realize it. :o)

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

Oh, that is too cool! I watched that show religously when I was carrying my first. And your right about TMI. I couldn't do that. Ack!

McMommy said...

Ohhh!!! You are SO super famous in my eyes!! I used to watch that show all the time when I was pregnant. I called it my "research". :)

Dawn said...

Well, how cool is that to have TLC film A BABY STORY in your hospital. Guess that's the BIG diff between you and I....Florida is not Cali. Congrats!! It's nice to be a super star every now and then......