The “wife” and “mom” have been missing from this blog lately.
I'm still here…
The wife:
I am one happy wife.
I am blessed to have a wonderful man.
We are dating.

Yes, we are.
Everyday we have off together we go out while the kids are at school. Maybe to a matinee or maybe just for a cup of coffee, we take time just for ourselves.
We are on the same page when it comes to our marriage, our home, and our kids.
It is wonderful to be able to say this.
We are going to go on a special trip in May.
It looks like it will be to Seattle.
I am so excited.
We can REALLY use a get-away.
Plus,we are celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary early.

Did I mention I have a wonderful man…if not, I must tell you, I have a
wonderful husband.
The Mom:
The “mom” part has been difficult lately.
I can say that it has never been as difficult as it has been these days.
Between school issues, sibling issues, growing up issues…it has been difficult.

Did I mention it has been difficult…
Me ~Julie:
Overall, I am doing well.
I am catching up on work stuff. That is always good.
Thanks to Mimi and Stephanie, I have been a Shredding maniac.

I am energized by the thought of going on our trip.
Trying to take life one day at a time...
(CAUTION. please don't tell me parenting is going to get worse as the years go forward-This mother knows it's true, saying so may cause uncontrollable hysteria )
Bless your heart! Parenting is usually a very rewarding experience, but - as hubby and I know all too well - it can be very frustrating and heartbreaking at times.
Hang in there...you WILL get through this!
P.S. How wonderful that you will be going on an anniversary trip...sounds delightful. Take lots of pics...we're gonna want details, ya know. Well...MOST of them, not ALL of them! ;-)
So glad to hear from you!
I'm a firm believer that there's nothing that you can't get through when you have someone by your side cheering you on!
Aw, glad to hear the marriage is going so well. Sorry to hear the parenting is so rough right now. Life seems to do that to us, doesn't it. Never can everything be great at one time.
Happy early 15th anniversary!
I had to stop the shredding. For some reason Jillian makes me cry. My poor husband didn't want to watch me work out and cry.
I'm glad you're still here. =)
Oooh, you even might take time to see me on your ANNIVERSARY trip?? I am so honored. Except I am taking my hubby out for his b-day May 8-9 and we are going to vegas May 13-16, so I HOPE those aren't your trip days?? :)
Sorry parenting has been so tough lately. It may or may not get easier. :) I haven't been there yet so I don't know and you don't want to hear it! Hang in there.
Dates? Wow that sounds nice. Sure wish hubs had some days off while the kids were in school:) That is awesome for both of you.
Yep...being a mom is tough work, but so worth it.
Good for you shredding...this girl needs to get back on that train.
15 years is AWESOME! YOu are blessed!
Wow...Let me just say, you're the best! Love you, babe!
(Looking forward to Seattle)
I know you are an awesome wife, mom, and nurse! Praying for you during this rough time, and how exciting for the future!
((hugs)) to you. I remember those years as an adolescent were difficult ones between me & my brother, as well as between me & my mom. It gets better, eventually...but you know that :)
Love that you & hubs go on dates and are heading to Seattle in May. Congratulations on 15 years--that is awesome!
Lawd. I'd say that you two need to just get a room... but it sounds like you've already booked that. Well done! :<) And I CAN say from experience that no matter how bad a brother and sister may fight growing up, they do love each other in the end. Amen.
The Shred - OUCH!
The marriage - YAY!
The kids - well ... lol.
Love ya,
Hi Julie!
Missed you! I am so thrilled for you and your hubby to be going away together! I know you will have the best time! Having a strong marriage takes work and committment...sounds like you're doing all the right things! I did read your note at the bottom of the post. Read my last several posts and you'll soon see all the FUN you're about to encounter! If I can get through it...you can, too! :) Big hugs!
15 years, that's great! How romantic to be going on dates together!
Kids always go through ups and downs. Maybe next month will be 100x's better. : )
BTW- I'm feeling okay, thank you for asking. Pregnancy is painful sometimes, but I'm thankful not to have any real problems when expecting.
Its good to have ALL of you be good. :)
Well the kids are never easy. So happy that you and your husband are having these little dates.
Praying for you.
How sweet that you and your man date during the day when the kids are away. My man comes home everyday for lunch and I just love it. It is our special time too, even though it is only an hour. As far as the kids go, it seems like it goes in phases. It will pass and get better and then it will come again. BUT, one day, it will end and all will be wonderful again. :)
ps I love your code talk with your man. It is fun to have secrets like that. We have a few too. :)
Yay for you and hubby dating. :o)
Ugh for dealing with difficult mom days. :o(
Yay for an upcoming trip with hubby. :o)
Yay and ugh on keeping up with your Shredding. :o/
God bless you. :o)
When my Fire Hubby has a day off, we go eat lunch together. That's our version of special time together. I absolutely look forward to that time!
Julie - thank you so much for your kind words. I have been MIA on and off as well and I miss having the time to read your blog (and others). From one wife and mother to another - all we do makes us SUPERWOMEN!!! And I hope you spend the next two months just enjoying all your trip preparations and I hope the trip together will be re-energizing. All superwomen and their firehubbies (or other hubbies) deserve time away together :)
It sure is nice to have you back. I do hope things settle for you soon - or a least you settle into a 'new normal'. X.
I'm so sorry you are struggling. Maybe you can give me tips as my children get older? You will have come out on the other side by then. On the upside, it sounds like you and hubby are doing great!
It sounds like you have a wonderful marriage! You must be so excited about your little get-away!!
Like you, I'm blessed with the most wonderful and patient husband in the world. Like you, my daughter and I tend to butt heads. We had a couple of go-rounds this week while she was home for spring break.
I heard somewhere that true parenting doesn't really begin until the teen years. Sigh. I guess I'm just thankful I have a few more years before its upon us at this house.
I LOVE that you and your husband date and take time to be with each other! I can only imagine that having that makes other things easier:) Can you imagine having war on that front as well as dealing with the kids!
I think that your trip sounds heavenly. I've done The Shred a little but haven't stuck with it. Are you see results?
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