Friday, December 4, 2009

oops...I dropped it!

No, not a newborn! (I just know you thought that when you read the title!)

No, tonight I have
Julie & Julia on my mind:

I adore Amy Adams. She was delightful in Enchanted.

Meryl Streep is the best!

And Julia, Julia Childs, what a lovely woman.

(Although, I have trouble not imagining Dan Ackroyd spoofing her...oh my :)

I was so dissappointed to miss the movie in theatres.

So, when I saw the book @ Borders, when the movie was not out on DVD yet, I bought it and dug right in.

Julie Powell, the author, is a crass, unsophisticated person.

But, I thought I would try to overlook that. Afterall, I'd heard great things about the movie.

When she proudly described her time with the Joy of S*x book at age 11, I felt sick to my stomach.

This must get better...I hoped.

Her political rhetoric was a turn off. And her athiestic cynicism was just plain sad.

But the final straw was when she tells about working in a position to help the families of 9/11 victims. On the first anniversary of the tragic event she makes it clear that she was indignant that she was forced to do, in her words, the "emotional sh*t work" of supporting the bereaved.

It was at the moment...

when I read that sentence...

I "accidentally" dropped the book into the bathtub.



mama's smitten said...

Wow! I can see how that can "accidently" happen !

Elyse said...

I have SO done this too :o

~*Michelle*~ said...

YIKES....that is just wrong on so many levels.

If/when it dries out, send it our way.....we have bonfires often and could use some kindling.

Brandi said...

What a horrid person... thanks for saving me some money on that one! :)

The Blue Sparrow said...

LOL I wasnt impressed with the movie either. You didnt miss a thing.

Mrs. M said...

Thanks for saving me some time!!

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

I had no idea! I've never read anything by her and haven't seen the movie. That's just awful!

Rachel said...

Oh Julie - how mortifying.

I sometimes try to "read through" in hopes that an author will redeem a good story - but I would not have made it past that either.

Good for you.

And thanks for saving me the $$

Foursons said...

What? Oh my gosh- I can't believe she has gotten as much attention as she has for the book. I will definitely not be reading her book now!

Kelley said...

I loved the movie, but I am now glad that I never read the book! Thank you for saving me the unnecessary aggravation!

Kaleena said...

Wow...I had no idea, as I haven't read the book. Thanks for saving me the trouble:)

Casey said...

I can certainly see how an accident like that could happen!

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

I would have "dropped" it, too. Not my bag!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can't believe it, that is terrible.

Beth E. said...

I don't blame you one bit! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh darn. Stuff happens, right? Life is too short to spend it reading or watching things that turn your stomach. So glad it got irretrievably waterlogged.. it would have been a shame to pass it on to someone else.

Lesli said...

Too bad you didn't BURN!!!

Melissa Stover said...

glad to hear your soggy review. now i know i don't need to read it.

Morgan said...

You showed that book, huh?!? hehe.

I'm sorry to hear the review wasn't so good. I wonder if the movie is better?

Liz Mays said...

I had NO idea. I'm no longer interested in it. Thank you.

Shana said...

Thanks...I mean "sorry" you dropped it! That is awesome! That just burns me up, btw...ugh.

Helene said...

Wow!! I had been wanting to read that book but now I definitely won't. I had no idea she had made such insensitive comments in her book. I've heard she has a new book out on the market now. I wonder if it'll get any attention at all, considering what a turn off this book was.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! All these years I've been burning the books I don't like...

Orah said...

It dropped in the bathtub? I think it accidentally missed the toilet...

Katie said...

Oh wow! I just lost my desire to see that movie. Unbelievable.

christy rose said...

OOOOPS! Those purposeful accidents happen! :)

Anonymous said...

OH MAN....I just saw the movie....loved it, except the end.....won't give it away....but darn.....DARN....had I known this? I would HAVE NEVER bought the movie.....I feel dirty now......Can I jump in that bathtub?...Remove the book please.......I need to clean off......eeeuuuuuu......Thanks for sharing!!! Hope you are enjoying your holidays!!