American Pregnancy:
There are approximately 6 million pregnancies every year throughout the United States:
4,058,000 live births
1,995,840 pregnancy losses
American Pregnancy Loss:
Every year in the United States there are approximately 2 million women who experience pregnancy loss:
600,000 women experience pregnancy loss through miscarriage
1,200,000 women experience pregnancy loss through termination
64,000 women experience pregnancy loss through ectopic pregnancy
6,000 women experience pregnancy loss through molar pregnancies
26,000 women experience pregnancy loss through stillbirth
Pregnancy Complications:
Every year in the United States:
875,000 woman experience one or more pregnancy complications
458,952 babies are born to mothers without adequate prenatal care
467,201 babies are born prematurely
307,030 babies are born with Low Birth Weight
154,051 children are born with Birth Defects
27,864 infants die before their first birthday
Statistics sited from:http://www.americanpregnancy.org/main/statistics.html
Thank you for all the information. If you don't mind I might post the wave of light on my blog.
I would love to get the word out.
What a beautiful way to celebrate the lives of these beautiful angels that now fill heaven! Great cause and I too, will light a candle for these babies!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Angelversaries, that's wonderful.
What a wonderful idea! I am definitely going to participate.
I have 5 little souls in heaven watching down over my husband, two little ones, and me. Two of those losses were ectopic and I feel so blessed to have been under the care of a high-risk OB that took aggressive action and saved both my life and my tubes!
The statistics on pregnancy loss and fetal death are staggering.
What a wonderful cause to be involved with, Julie! I miscarried two babies...and I will never forget!
Thank you for all this info. My daughter had a fatal prenatal diagnosis and was born still in March and I plan on honoring her and my other angel on Oct 15 by lighting a candle.
This subject makes me feel sad. It's been 5 years since my loss and it still hurts so very much. I am not even sure I knew there was a month devoted to these losses. How wonderful to honor these small souls.... I will light a candle.
Thanks for sharing this. Sassy & I will do this. She sometimes talks about the baby we lost. And those stats...
Where did you find your flag? I'd love to have one. I also plan on lighting a candle for Bryston the 15th at 7pm. Thank you for posting this, its so overshadowed with breast cancer awareness this month also. (My computer is still on the fritz)
Those stats are just heartbreaking. Hoping you have a great walk!
oh, like Becca just said....those stats are just heartbreaking. I know I am part of those statistics and I am so grateful that my babies are not forgotten or dismissed.......praising God that there are "angels on earth" like yourself who are honoring our babies in Heaven.
Thank you for sharing this info, I will be lighting many candles. When you see the statistics in front of you, its really a wake up call that Im not alone. Hugs, N
I'm hoping you can tell me where to get an angelversaries flag
my contactsite is:
I am wondering if I can use your picture of the flying flag for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month as my profile picture on my Facebook page? I know this was from last year, but maybe you will still get this message. I wasn't sure how else to contact you.
Here is my Facebook page:
Thank you!
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