Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If you don't know Rachel and Mr. Daddy, head on over to their blog

Once Upon a Miracle

You are in for a real treat :)

Today I'm joining their blog carnival-True Story Tuesday

Last night, when I came in from running my support group I snuck into the kids rooms, as usual, to give them kisses.

When I kissed my Scout, he stirred and opened his eyes. Clearly I had awakened him. He gave me a drowsy smile and I gave him another kiss on the cheek and said goodnight.

His eyes closed again, readying to drift of.

I stood looking at my handsome boy for a moment.

Then I noticed he sort of smacked his lips in an odd way.

And did it again.


And again.

What is he doing?

"Scout, do you have something in you mouth?" I said, trying to awaken him.

"Scout, wake up. Do you have something in your mouth."

He opened his eyes, but struggled to keep them open.

Then it dawned on me...

"Do you have gum in your mouth?!"

Eyes half open, he reached into his mouth and pulled out a piece of gum.

"Scout, you didn't! You went to bed with gum in your mouth."

He rolled over and put it in the trashcan at his bedside and by the time he rolled over he was back to sleep.

"Scout, you could have choked on that..."

But, I could see there was no point in lecturing. He was out.

Fast forward to breakfast this morning:

Me-"Scout, I can hardly believe that you went to bed with gum in your mouth last night!"

Scout-"No I didn't"

Me stunned-"Scout, I kissed you last night and when you woke up you had gum in you mouth"

Scout-" I didn't put it there"

Me-"Princess, did you put gum in your brothers mouth after he fell asleep?"

Good laugh by princess and I

Scout-"Well, I don't know how it got there."

You know, he never did admit that he went to bed with gum in his mouth.


Oh, the joys of parenting...


Brandi said...

Too funny! And that must be the nurse in you worried about choking, 'cause the first thing I thought while reading was OMW ~ that could have totally got stuck in his HAIR!!!

Foursons said...

I'm with Brandi, I would have been freaked about the hair too! Hahaha- boys.

christy rose said...

That is too funny! Oh yes! The joys of parenting!!

-stephanie- said...

I laughed when you blamed your daughter. HA! She may have had a good laugh, but did she actually SAY she didn't do it? :o)

AtYourCervix said...

With the lip smacking, I thought you were going to say that he was having a seizure! Geesh.

He & Me + 3 said...

That is funny. atleast he didn't wake with it in his hair. That would have been a horrible, no good, very bad day. :)

Pam D said...

Don't tell Scout, but I sleep with gum in my mouth every night. I have post nasal drip, and without the gum, I cough my head off (or, my mouth gets so dry that my tongue sticks to the roof of it). I've done it for years (sugar-free, of course) and haven't swallowed it YET. Of course, there's always a first (and last!) time...
And how funny that he didn't believe that he did it! Next time, take picturers. Irrefutable evidence...

April said...

What a cute story, Julie! Kids sure keep us on our toes, don't they?

Killlashandra said...

Cute story, I'm glad there was no choking involved though. I've been afraid my 4 year old might do something similar too due to his love for chewing gum. ;)

Helene said...

That would totally freak me out...I'd have given my kids the lecture of the century about how they could've choked. But then again, I'm the mom who won't let the kids run around with balloons out of fear that they'll bite one and they'll swallow it and choke on it. I mean, seriously, what are the chances? But still...it's a mom thing. I totally get it!

mama's smitten said...

Lol! Lucky you caught that! Leave it to mom!

Mrs. M said...

So glad he didn't choke on it, although I myself have been known to fall asleep with a cough drop in my mouth!! :) Very funny true story!

Rachel said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha - love that you girls had a good laugh!

Oh yeah - next time grab the camera and we can enjoy it too!

I am in awe of PamD's sleep-chewing abilities... my curls would definitely be in danger if I tried that!

Thanks for linking up!

Michelle Pixie said...

I love that he was trying to deflect in such a creative way!

kristia said...

First visit to your site. I was also thinking...gum in the hair. These are the stories no one mention at your baby shower. Enjoyed the post.

Beth E. said...

That ol' family member "NOT ME" has been up to no good! ;-) He lives in our house, too!

Shana said...

He must have tripped & landed on a piece of gum...that's how it got in there, ha!

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

no choking and no gum stuck in his hair. whew!

Mr. Daddy said...

that is a great one, and I am with Scout... Never admit to nuthin!!!

Wasn't me, No way Jose. What you talkin bout Willas????

Or maybe: The Devil made me do it???

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Oh my gosh... that is too funny!!

Thanks for stopping by today.... you were right, it was my neighbor who left their Christmas stuff up until May. My hubby and I have a bet this year.... I'll let you know who wins:)


~*Michelle*~ said...

Hilarious! I think we have the long lost twin of "Not Me" living in this house as well.

Kmama said...

Stopping by from Once Upon a Miracle.

What a funny story!! Sounds like something my 5 year old would do!

Annie said...

ha! what a cute story!
totally sounds like something my brother would've done at that age ;)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so funny. What I see when I read this is how wonderful it was that God made you notice! That is how I see God in my life each day.

Orah said...

HAHAHAHA - I once found a lollypop stick stuck to my daughter's face when I went to kiss her goodnight. I assume she finished it before she fell asleep and then rolled over onto the stick.

Laura said...

Maybe Scout wasn't actually lying to you. I've been known to do some really weird stuff in my sleep, including having conversations, and then I remember nothing about it the next day. He could have done it while asleep and really had no idea what you were talking about.

Kelley said...

oh gosh! i just can't wait!

sanjeet said...

That is too funny! Oh yes! The joys of parenting!!

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