Friday, September 18, 2009


My kids used to be absolutely crazy
about each other.
Now, they just make each other crazy.


Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Oh man!!! Those are tooo cute! I love how he is rolling his eyes at her (or you) now!! What a sweet little boy holding his baby sister...My how they grow right?

Pam D said...

Great pics... it reminds me of my brother and me when we were young! But now, I really wish my "only" had someone to bug him and love him.. your kiddos are lucky!

Rachel said...

You can tell they still love eachother though :) And that second shot is SOOO me and my sis!

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh mine are the same way. LOL They are so cute. Love the face of Scout in the last one.

~*Michelle*~ said...

Oh, I love "then and now" pics......

your children are gorgeous!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

too it

Foursons said...

OMG! Bahahahahahaha! This is classic- I'd have it blown up and framed. :)

jennykate77 said...

Too funny. The eye rolling is so classic! LOL

Hope you're having a fabulous Friday!!♥

E @ Scottsville said...

Ha ha ha! I love the "rolling eyes" look. SOOOOOO typical of what Cameron and Riley do to each other. =0)

Love it!

Mrs. M said...

Big smile on my face right now! ;-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh that is just too cute! Thank you for making me laugh.

Mr. Daddy said...

That is a cute pic, I think that I made the same face when I read that you didn't believe me when I was going for the shot and not sneaking a peak... LOL

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Not those precious little ones.

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

That last picture is just hilarious! It represents male/female as well as brothers/sisters.
She's willing to at least "make nice" and give the smile.
No way for him! Everyone knows what he's thinking ~ "get me outta here!".
Very funny!

Aspiemom said...

lol. I love how he's rolling his eyes, there!

Jen said...


Verne said...

You have two beautiful children. No, make that one. Your boy is handsome. You are truly blessed. Will come back to read more of your nurse stories. Seems more exciting than teaching. Lol.

Liz Mays said...

That is hysterical! They'll come back to each other again!

Brandi said...

LOL! So funny. That second picture is priceless! Adorable kids. :)

Orah said...

That is hysterical juxtaposition. (I like an opportunity to use a big word). But in a few years, they will be so close again...

BTW - the Hebrew year is 5770 (so we joke, the 60's were good).

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Oh, how funny! I love that eyeroll! :)

christy rose said...

Both pictures are so cute!!!
I can so relate with the 5 of mine too!