Dear (Foe) Friend,
I’m upset, and so I’m not going to be all sweet and nice and butter you up today.
You know me, I’m not usually like this…so hostile, but I have something to say to you and it just has to come out in the open.
What’s wrong with you? You used to be so nice to me.
We go back so very far…all the way to my teen years.
You were always good to me…so very stable. I could count on you to make me happy, to say nice things to me. For almost 15 years things were just right between us.
Then I had my babies. Now, I know this is a time of change and lots of big adjustments, but one would think that after some time things would have improved for us…well, that’s not fair. I know it did for awhile.
But then stress kicked in and then what happened to you. So many ups and downs. What ever happened to just being stable.
So now, here we are. I haven’t been in great health. I know you said you would be there through “thick and thin”, but, it’s thick right now (especially at my mid section, ehem) but you have become downright CRUEL.
Maybe we have been spending too much time together. I know that my daily visits may not be so healthy for us. Maybe I should only come by weekly. I don’t know what the best thing is here.
All I am asking is for some kindness…I mean, give me a break! Please, some GRACE here.
I’m going to do my part. I am resolved. Will you please do yours?
I want you in my life. After all, you will always be my....
Scale :)

Haha! Totally sucked me in, I was quite worried for a moment about your relationship with your "friend". ;-) At least you can't hurt this one's feelings....
LOL! I can't help but be reminded of those commecials where the mop is begging to come back :)
Though I must confess, I threw out my scale years ago. It was just an awful way to measure my happiness every day. And don't tell anyone, but I occasionally weigh myself back at the shop on the "official and state certified" one, that I'm not entire certain was meant to weigh humans, ha ha.
Great post, made me laugh!
I was all worried that this was a person being mean and then I see the scale! HA! I think we all deal with this trouble.
Definitely a love/hate relationship there for all of us! Mine being more on the hate side during the past few years. *sigh* Oh for the days when I could step off of the scale with a smile on my face...
Haha! Too funny!
Rach didn't tell ya that I be the one that certifies that particular scale.....
So please don't tell her that I cheat for her..
gosh I love this gal!!!! :o)
Good LORD! I cannot believe my DEAR husband just posted that comment.
Yes, it is true that he certifies it...
but what good does it do him to make it cheat for me? Cuz that only means I'll be stuffing my face with more Boston Cream Pie, cuz the scale says I can :P
Ooooh, that little stinker...
Hahaha...you are a hoot! There's a so-and-so in my life, too! ;-)
I have a used to be friend just like that! I used to be able to count on her....differently.
Oh wow, you totally had me going. I was even getting upset at the thought of you having a friend who was treating you so poorly. My scale sucks too, if it's any consolation.
Ha! You got me too!!!
Too funny! It is the everyday visits that ruin it for me and my frenemy.
funnny!! and I hhaaaattttee that the scales always show super low weights like 108 in picures or on the packaging....Like I will ever weigh any of those low numbers ever!!!
You had me going there for a minute. You're funny :)
You jerk!
I totally this was about Firehubby and I am going this is way to personal to post online. LOL.
HAHAH! I'm glad this was somewhat of a happy ending!
Too funny. I feel the same way about my scale!
HA! Loved this. I could have written this same letter. Darn things.
Cracking me up. Came by to go visit somewhere else.. =)
Ahhhh, too cute, Julie! I had no clue what was coming next. I thought maybe CHOCOLATE, or a work-out video, or ...I couldn't imagine.
The scale. PERFECT! Have a great Monday.
hilarious! I tried to step on mine last night but the battery is low. I'm not sure I want to put a new one in it!
haha, you had me going to the very end. ; )
You really had me going there for a minute or two! I kept wondering where it was all headed. Now, I get it! You are too funny!!!
I only have a long distance relationship with my scale because the only one I know is at the health club and so if I stay away from the club I dont see my " friend " the scale.....
so funny!!! i'm right there with you, julie! stinkin prednisone!!
Ha ha! I had a feeling...
LOL! Have you been talking to MY scale? She is really awful...
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